
well done me

i'm so happy. so so happy.

after just under 4 months of teaching I've been asked if it's OK for the newest student teachers to come and watch some of my lessons.. can't really believe it? (terrified. must plan the SHIT out of next week's classes :/)

i just spent a fortune on stationery to finally get started on keeping my teaching resources organised, it feels really good to start building up a bank of useful and interesting lesson ideas.

stew and dumplings at sam's last night was blissful, she is living my absolute dream with her flat full of enormous bookshelves, gorgeous little kitchen and even a tiffany lamp! perfect.

love that one of my new students is 85 years old! she's called Lilya, is super fiesty and it's her first time ever in the UK! life idol.

liking the rain and the cats cuddled on my bed.

really need to sort my laundry, hoover and plan but instead i'm just casually watching hundreds of nicki minaj videos. oh life.

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