

secret garden costume planning/making party
listening to daughter on repeat forever
everything nicki minaj touches
gold and black crackle effect nail varnish
sunnnnnnny brighton
living beside the seaside
mature, wise people who know what the fuck is going on
paris trip mmhmm
my favourite students
muscat as recommended by charlotte & alizee (i am clearly a french-swiss 16 year old at heart)
first step on my career ladder
real wages
flirting with boys
belleville rendezvous
millie the willy/annie the fanny LOL
various other hilarious shit that children come out with
various other hilarious shit that non-english speakers come out with
kitten cuddles every day
hoovering mm so satisfying
how beautiful allll the men are in the north lane
real patisserie croissants for breakfast
arm toning
blitz party ticket!
feeling as though i fit in <3

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